School holidays represent the perfect time to prepare your facilities for the winter months ahead. Don’t risk burst pipes—contact us to schedule a pre-winter inspection. Our team is ready to ensure your systems are well-protected against the cold.
At OJM Insulations, we specialise in providing insulation solutions for schools, higher education institutions, and colleges. 📚✨ With the winter months approaching, now is the perfect time to prepare for the cold months ahead. 📞 Get in touch for a no-obligation...
We’re thrilled to have completed insulation work on this installation at Dormers Wells Leisure Centre in Southall. Our team insulated the plant room and external pipework with precision, fitted trace heating to protect pipes in colder temperatures, and added...
This is a mixed-use development in Central Watford. It delivers over 150 apartments in a 23-storey block, as well as 120,000sq ft of office space over eight floors. The project also has three basement levels which hold 200 car parking spaces as well as provision for...